Who We Are
Resurrection Free Methodist Church is a church devoted to developing faithful followers of Christ. We offer an environment for members to grow in their love for God and for one another. In our community people know each others names and are present in one another's joys and sorrows. Our philosophy is simply to worship the Lamb of God in Spirit, Scripture, Sacrament & Service. We are a place for you to plug into, encounter God, experience community, and fulfill your calling. Get in touch today or swing by for a visit.
Our mission is to worship the Lamb of God in
Spirit, Scripture, Sacrament & Service.
A Holy Spirit-led and empowered community.
We believe the Holy Spirit is a gift from God Who leads us into all truth and gives us the power to follow Jesus. We earnestly desire to be led by the Holy Spirit to fulfill His mission.
Submitted to Scripture in life and doctrine.
We believe the Word of God is living and active. The Bible is the ultimate authority for what we do, believe, and preach.
Celebrating Communion and Baptism together as life-giving gifts from God.
We believe Christ is present with us in the breaking of the bread and the waters of baptism. We receive nourishment and wholeness from these blessings.
Serving through the ministry of prayer and acts of mercy.
The love of God compels us to love others: to pray expectantly, to act justly, and to love mercy. We serve through prayer meetings, local outreaches, and global missions.
"For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples"
Isaiah 56:7
At Resurrection we have three primary ways we reach out to serve those around us.
Prayer is foundational in our practice and identity. Each week we draw near to God and pray for the community, the persecuted church, local churches, and our families. We also participate in fasting for global revival and awakening. We consider prayer as participation in Christs’ call to work in the harvest fields for His glory.
International Missions
We support missionaries abroad and participate in short term mission trips in order to fulfill the mandate to go into all the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We believe God has called us to serve our community. We do so by special events, serving the homeless, and
acts of mercy.